Patient Education
Perio Resources
The following website links contain helpful information and pictures. Just click on the links below to go to the website page that is described.
Links from The American Academy of Periodontology :
Periodontal Disease
This link contains an article that covers the types and causes of periodontal disease. It includes illustrations and possible treatments.
Frequently Asked Questions
This link contains “Frequently Asked Questions” covering general periodontal questions, periodontal procedures, and how periodontal disease affects general health.
Possible Medical Complications
This link covers how periodontal disease can adversely affect your general health.
Smoking & Periodontal Disease
This link provides information on how smoking may be one of the most important risk factors in the development of periodontal disease.
Women & Periodontal Disease
This link contains information to help women avoid periodontal (gum) disease and protect their oral health.
Diabetes & Periodontal Disease
This link contains information on the correlation between diabetes and periodontal disease.
Transmitting Periodontal Disease to Family Members
This link describes how periodontal disease can be passed from parents to children and between husbands and wives.
Periodontal Procedures
This link describes periodontal procedures such as dental implants, scaling & root planing, crown lengthening, regeneration, tissue grafts, and dental laser surgery.
Links from the American Dental Association
Periodontal Disease
Requires a free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Bad Breath (Halitosis) Glossary of Dental Terms
Inflammation & Medical Consequences
This link contains recent research concerning inflammation and its connection to other medical consequences. It defines periodontal inflammation and explains its effects on the body.